Junior innovate Sarawak Maker Fair 2024

"Pergi dengan harapan, pulang dengan pengajaran"

That is the quotation that can be expressed by our JI team after the Junior Innovate Sarawak Maker Fair 2024 competition which took place on 7 and 8 September 2024 at Pustaka Miri today. SK Trusan had sent 3 teams consisting of 3 teachers and 6 students to compete in this competition.

All three teams from SK Trusan had done their best in terms of project construction and pitching preparation this year. However, all teams failed to bring back any medal this year. We were very disappointed with the results of the competition this year, but have to accept our shortcomings and weaknesses in order to remain competitive in this field. We need to improve and overcome our weaknesses next year to continue to compete with other schools in the state and national level.

2024 Projects

From a post-mortem conducted by the teachers, there are some conclusions that we made:

  1. The world of science and technology is developing very fast, so we need to keep up with the latest developments in STEM, especially in Artificial Intelligent (AI) applications.
  2. The project produced must be informative in order to provide information to the player, and not necessarily fun (although we don't really agree because games must be about the element of fun).
  3. latest information can determine the success of a team in a competition. Among our weaknesses this year is that we did not send teachers to attend the Train-the-Trainer session last April where we have missed various important information related to the changes, as well as the judging criterias (that is what the judges are looking for) on this year.

We promise to improve all our weaknesses in the coming year to be able to compete again in this competition.

For students, "Don't take our failure this year as tumbling stone, but take it as stepping stone as failure creates success. We learn and grow through series of failures" - Tan Kan Tsai

Reported by:

Tan Kan Tsai
Guru Penasihat Junior Innovate &
Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran 
SK Trusan
8 September 2024

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