Day & Date : Monday (2 September 2024)

Lesson         : Enlish (Topic 6, Food )

Theme         : Restaurant

Objective    : i) Provide real - world scenarios to help students to learn English

                      ii) Improve the students speaking proficiency in English

                     iii) To build the confidence level of students to act in front of others


SK Trusan Year 3 students had theatre activity based on theme restaurant. this activity takes place in classroom but based on restaurant set-up, with the students palying wait-staf and customers. 

In this role play activity,  students will continue to build confidence in using their body language to create a role and their communication proficiency in English.

The lesson includes the instructions, discussion questions and few sample scenarios of restaurant for groups.

This role play activity encourage the students to have interest in subject and the importance of English language.

Reported by:
Miss Mathuri Marimuthu
9 September 2024

Junior innovate Sarawak Maker Fair 2024

"Pergi dengan harapan, pulang dengan pengajaran"

That is the quotation that can be expressed by our JI team after the Junior Innovate Sarawak Maker Fair 2024 competition which took place on 7 and 8 September 2024 at Pustaka Miri today. SK Trusan had sent 3 teams consisting of 3 teachers and 6 students to compete in this competition.

All three teams from SK Trusan had done their best in terms of project construction and pitching preparation this year. However, all teams failed to bring back any medal this year. We were very disappointed with the results of the competition this year, but have to accept our shortcomings and weaknesses in order to remain competitive in this field. We need to improve and overcome our weaknesses next year to continue to compete with other schools in the state and national level.

2024 Projects

From a post-mortem conducted by the teachers, there are some conclusions that we made:

  1. The world of science and technology is developing very fast, so we need to keep up with the latest developments in STEM, especially in Artificial Intelligent (AI) applications.
  2. The project produced must be informative in order to provide information to the player, and not necessarily fun (although we don't really agree because games must be about the element of fun).
  3. latest information can determine the success of a team in a competition. Among our weaknesses this year is that we did not send teachers to attend the Train-the-Trainer session last April where we have missed various important information related to the changes, as well as the judging criterias (that is what the judges are looking for) on this year.

We promise to improve all our weaknesses in the coming year to be able to compete again in this competition.

For students, "Don't take our failure this year as tumbling stone, but take it as stepping stone as failure creates success. We learn and grow through series of failures" - Tan Kan Tsai

Reported by:

Tan Kan Tsai
Guru Penasihat Junior Innovate &
Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran 
SK Trusan
8 September 2024

Other Pictures

Perbincangan Meja Bulat Program Duta Guru (PDG) Zon Sarawak

Tan Kan Tsai, penolong kanan pentadbiran SK Trusan telah mewakili pihak sekolah menghadiri program di atas di waterfront Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak pada 2 September 2024 yang lalu. Program ini telah dihadiri oleh Pembimbing Duta guru, Duta Guru dan "stakeholder" yang berkaitan bagi membincangkan isu-isu pendidikan di Sarawak terutamanya dari segi peningkatan minat dan pencapaian STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) pelajar-pelajar.

Melalui perkongsian dan perbincangan yang telah dilakukan, disimpulkan bahawa guru-guru perlu mencari peluang untuk bekerjasama dan berkolaborasi dengan pihak NGO/ stakeholder seperti YAYASAN PETRONAS, SDEC, TEGAS, CHUMBAKA, MEITD dan sebagainya. Ini kerana stakeholder seperti ini juga mempunyai matlamat yang selari dengan pihak sekolah.

Cg.Tan telah membentangkan hasil dan impak yang signifikan hasil daripada dana sebanyai RM20,000 yang disumbangkan oleh YAYASAN PETRONAS. Antaranya adalah pemasangan Smart TV Hisense di semua bilik darjah di sekolah, dan juga Projek Innovation for Nature (di mana murid-murid belajar membuat pelbagai inovasi bertemakan alam sekitar serta menerbitkan buku).

Melalui pelbagai perbincangan yang dilaksanakan, pihak sekolah berhasrat untuk mewujudkan komuniti STEM di Lawas. Antaranya langkah pertamanya adalah untuk menghasilkan jaringan dengan SMK Trusan supaya murid-murid yang telah dilatih dalam Junior Innovate dapat meneruskan minatnya dalam Young Innovator Challenge di sekolah menengah nanti. 

Dilaporkan oleh:

Tan Kan Tsai
Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran
SK Trusan
5 September 2024

Gambar-gambar lain

Hari Permuafakatan dan Gimik Penyerahan HiSense Smart TV 50"

Penyerahan Smart TV 50" x6 (Tajaan Yayasan Petronas)

Tarikh: 26 Julai 2024 (Jumaat)
Tempat: SK Trusan, Lawas

Hari Permuafakatan dan Gimik Penyerahan HiSense Smart TV 50" telah dilaksanakan dengan jayanya pada hari ini. Berikut merupakan tentatifnya:

0800 - Ucapan aluan GB
0815 - Pembentangan kurikulum
0830 - Pembentangan HEM
0845 - Pembentangan Kokurikulum
*0900 - Gimik Penyerahan Smart TV Hisense 50"
( Cg.Christina Ting- Pen.PPD  Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah & Duta guru Kohort 2)
*0910 - Tayangan slaid Smart TV dan Innovation for Nature Project
0920 - Perbincangan dan Permuafakatan Ibu Bapa (di kelas) & Jamuan utk tetamu jemputan.

Pembentangan ringkas tentang kurikulum, HEM dan Kokurikulum dilaksanakan untuk memberi pendedahan dan kefahaman kepada ibu bapa tentang program-program serta usaha pihak sekolah ke arah kemenjadian murid dan kecemerlangan sekolah.

Gimik Penyerahan Smart TV HiSense 50" telah disempurnakan oleh Cg. Christina Ting Sieng Tze, Penolong PPD Sektor Pengurusan Sekolah & Duta Guru Kohort 2. Sebanyak 6 buah televisyen pintar berjenama HiSense telah dibeli dan dipasang di kesemua bilik darjah di sekolah ini. 

Ini merupakan satu inisiatif pendigitalan sekolah untuk membekalkan kemudahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) yang lebih memuaskan dan canggih supaya kualiti instruksional di dalam kelas dapat dipertingkatkan dengan sokongan pelbagai bahan multimedia seperti gambar, muzik, video dan sebagainya.

Terima Kasih Yayasan Petronas di atas sumbangan dana sebanyak RM20,000 kepada SK Trusan.

Kemudian, satu tanyangan video berdurasi kira-kira 5 minit telah dipertontonkan kepada murid-murid, ibu bapa dan juga semua guru. Video ini diharap dapat memberi gambaran kepada semua pihak tentang Projek Innovation for Nature yang diilhamkan serta dicadangkan oleh Cg.Tan Kan Tsai dan ditaja oleh Yayasan Petronas sebanyak RM20,000.

Setelah selesai majlis, ibu bapa berjumpa dengan guru-guru di dalam kelas untuk mengambil keputusan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD), serta berbincang dengan guru-guru tentang pencapaian anak-anak mereka.

Dilaporkan oleh: 

Tan Kan Tsai
Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran
26 Julai 2024



DATE     : 3 JULY 2024
TIME     : 7.30AM - 4.00PM

  • Elijah Ben Jarry
  • Nurul Izzah Binti Dahalan
  • Nur Arissa Haziqah Binti Abdullah Effendy
This year SK Trusan chose 3 students from year 5 and sent them to Bridge Building Competition.
These three students were selected based on their performance in maths, science and english subjects in school. 

Students with 'Guru Pengiring' Miss Mathuri and 'Ketua Panitia Sains' Miss Nur Arifah Ilyana.

Bridge made my SK Trusan students

All the SK Trusan teachers, staffs and students would like to
Elijah Ben Jarry, Nurul Izzah Binti Dahalan and Nur Arissa Haziqah Binti Abdullah Effendy 
for their hardworking. 

Written by : Miss Mathuri Marimuthu

4 JULY 2024